[English follows.]
このゲームはROF-MAO 1st LIVE 開催記念に作られたファンメイドゲームです。
ご質問、ご感想、バグの報告などは制作者のツイッター、ツイッターのハッシュタグ #ろふまお塾のゲーム、もしくはマシュマロまで。
This is a fan-made game in commemoration of ROF-MAO's 1st LIVE.
The game is a collection of mini games based on what happened in the program "ROF-MAO CRAM SCHOOL".
You may take a screenshot, or stream any part of the game.
The images, music, etc. used in this game are all resources that can be used for commercial purposes.
Details can be confirmed in the "関連記事"(related blogs) session.
For hints to get high score, please check "関連記事".
For any questions, comments, bug reports, etc., please send a message to the creator's Twitter, use Twitter hashtag #ろふまお塾のゲーム, or send anonymous message through Marshmallow.
更新履歴 Update history
[2024/08/23 05:20]
A bug is corrected. The character selected by player will now appear in stage5.
"Tweet Image" button is added for sharing the image of result page.
[2024/04/18 17:40]
Keyboard (left, right and down arrow) can be used in stage5 now.
[2024/04/16 0:45]
Added score ranking to the game. If you register as an user of Unityroom, your name will be shown in the ranking. It's default design that the ranking does not show the character you selected and the clear time.
Unity WebGL (このゲーム)実はモバイル端末ではサポートされていません。
How to play: use the mouse or just touch the screen
If the browser crashes, please close it and reopen the game.
Or you may try to use other browsers, Chrome or Firefox may be better.
Unity WebGL (this game) actually does not support mobile devices.
Errors out of the creator's expectation might occur, sorry about that.
For how to play the game, important notes, resources used and so on, please read the above URL (txt file).
Licensed under the MIT license
Licensed under SIL Open Font License 1.1 (https://openfontlicense.org/)
Licensed under the MIT license
Licensed under the MIT license
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